Friday, April 22, 2016

Talk Like TED Ch. 4 - "Teach Me Something New"

As you read Ch. 4, address these questions in the comments section of this post.  Then leave feedback to four of your peers.


1.  How does the concept of "teach me something new" relate to the concept of "Novelty"?

2.  Why do you think the human brain loves novelty?  Give an example from your life (it could be something you learned in a class, an assignment, or something you saw at a demonstration).

3.  Based on concepts from the first three chapters of this book, how can speakers do what Martha Burns' suggests and "make the information new and exciting"?

4.  What is the point of a "purple cow"?

Finally, answer this question -

5.  List a possible topic for your TED Talk (again, remember, I said "possible") and explore how you might strive to teach us something new about it.

I have left responses to kickstart thinking.

As it stands now, TED Talks will begin May 4-6.


  1. "Teach me something new" relates to Gallo's second overarching idea of "Novelty," because as he states just a bit later in the chapter, "Learning is a buzz."

    Now, take into consideration the audience members at TED conferences pay thousands of dollars to attend and are some of the brightest people in the world. So they come wanting to learn something new.

    But that is a hell of a challenge for any speaker. How would you like to live up to those expectations?

    The connection to "Novelty" seems to me to be that any public speaker needs to find a new way to present information. Even if it is old information.

    There is a brilliant TED Talk by Hans Rolling where he takes very boring information and presents it in a very interactive way that makes his TED Talk one of the most novel ever.

  2. I'm living proof that the human brain loves novelty. I went into this profession because I had a teacher, Mr. Mueller, present content in a novel way (well, novel for 1985): every year the sixth grade class did a skit.

    Original, right?

    But Mr. Mueller changed things up.

    I was a chubby sixth grader who was more of an introvert than anything else. There was no way I wanted to be the center of attention!

    In fact, I was trying to perfect the art of being invisible. A classmate of mine, Dale, who was the epitome of an extrovert, asked if we could switch roles, which was fine with me. (truth be told: Dale would have made a perfect host too).

    When we approached Mr. Mueller with the idea of trading parts, he promptly shot it down. "I chose you for that role, Kurt," he said. "I know you can do it."

    Again, I just about dropped dead. There was no way of getting out of this.

    When we began rehearsing and filming, I was terrible. I had my lines memorized. But I was just reciting them without any personality at all.

    After a couple takes, I remember Mr. Mueller, from behind the camera, asking a classmate what was wrong with me as a host. I'll never forget the answer: "He's boring!" It was at that moment that I learned an incredibly valuable lesson: to take constructive criticism.

    After that, I began to inject personality and style into the role. And it wasn't perfect, but I actually began to enjoy the lead part and to have fun with it. My most vivid memory from the show itself is that not only did we present the show "To Tell the Truth" (replete with three versions of Abe Lincoln), but other students also did skits for commercial breaks. One of those was for some kind of pet food for pachyderms.

    To spice things up, after the commercial skit was done, I tried to have a nice segue from the commercial to our show. I turned to the camera and smiled, "And you can be sure I'll give my pachyderm (insert the product title there)." It cracked everyone up. That was the most important lesson of my elementary schooling: to work hard at something and achieve success at something that I never would have ever tried on my own.

    Mr. Mueller took a chance on me, forced me to go through with it, and allowed me to flounder a bit until I found my own voice and style and began to grow. I think had I not had that experience in sixth grade, I never would have considered becoming a teacher, where I use that humor, voice, and style every single day.

    For that lesson, and for Mr. Mueller's novel approach to teaching it, I shall always be thankful.

    1. I hope that I can become a teacher like this. I hope my students will be interested in what I am teaching them. I hope I can entertain them and make them want to come back for more. I have had so many teachers that don't make the information intriguing, and I don't remember what they taught. What's the point then?

  3. I think we can make information new and exciting for our audience in a couple of different ways based on what I've read from the three previous chapters. First, we can take our passion and let that rub off on our audience to make them see the topic of ours in a new light. Second, by telling stories we can also make people relate to or connect to our topics in a new light.

    1. I agree that teachers who make information new and exciting can change a student's life and perception of that subject. Whenever a teacher takes the time to make a lecture special, it shows through the uncontrollable laughter in the room. Mr. H is a great example of this in his Physics class last semester. Every lecture he put together not only gave out examples of every possible problem out there- but he included everyone in it. So far, his class is the most novel because everyday he could make me laugh.

  4. And now we come to one of my all time favorite topics: the purple cow. A purple cow is simply something that stands out. Think about the products you buy. Why do you buy them? If you're like me, you buy them because they are unique and different. That is a purple cow.

    For example, I love J.J. Abrams' movies. Why? Because they are unlike any other movies. Same goes for Tarantino films and Nolan films. The same is true for Marvel super hero films. They are always funny and engaging (Antman was great and Guardians of the Galaxy is one of my all time favorites). Now contrast that with DC super hero films (mostly bogged down in trying to be too heavy with morals and story). This is also why I tend to avoid Michael Bay films (all action and pretty people and too little sense).

  5. One of my possible topics is how awesome it is to be an adult. To make this "Novel" and teach you something new about it, I might give you a tour of a day in the life of Mr. Reynolds. I know you can't wait for that!

    1. I think you should definitely give a tour of a day in your life. That would for sure keep people entertained because you always have the best stories about things that happen throughout your day. You can make everything entertaining with your use of humor so even if your day was pretty average, you could make it seem like an awesome day.

    2. I am anxious to hear this talk because as seniors in high school, we are starting the phase into adulthood, and it would be fun to hear the good parts about becoming an adult because everyone just seems to focus on the negatives.

    3. I would love to get a glimpse in the day of Reynolds I wonder how much bad jokes you tell and turtle bites you give Haha

  6. Novelty literally means "the quality of being new, original, or unusual." This relates to the chapter Teach Me Something New because novel work will teach a person something new. Gallo says that the human brain loves novelty and it gives them a new way of looking forward to the world. This reminds be of Apple and all of their products. They are always coming out with new ideas and it is intriguing to the rest of the world so we buy their product. Eventually, we get bored with this idea because we have learned all there is to learn about the "new" features. Then, we wait for the next big thing to come out.

    1. I love Apple products. They are always making something new, so once people start to get bored of an item they can go out and buy something newer.

    2. Apple is a great example of novelty. They didn't come up with a completely new idea of the computer, but they did think of the computer in new ways. This is the reason that Apple is so far ahead of other computer companies today.

    3. Apple is the perfect example, because its' focus is from why-how-what rather than how-what why, which doesn't seem like a big difference but that is why they are the best selling company out there.

  7. I think the human brain loves novelty because it's something new. In our generation, we are eager to learn and always want to be the first to know about a new idea. One example we talked about in class was the new exercise watches known as Fitbit. When these watches first came out, people we skeptical at first until they learned a little more about them. Now, I see Fitbits everywhere. I guarantee in the next year or so, people will be looking for the new and improved Fitbit. This is because after a while they become familiar to us and we want something new, something better, to come out.

    1. I remember when the Fitbit first came out and I thought it was a waste to buy something that tracked your steps. But, now I'm glad I bought one because I can keep track of my steps, heart rate, how much water I drink, and many other things. I agree that people will be looking for new Fitbits because they have already started making new and improved ones since they first came out.

    2. I haven't boughten a FitBit yet, but all of this talk about them is making me want to get one! haha

  8. "Teach me something new" refers to using material that may have been covered previously but adding new research and taking different learning styles into account. Strength training with Coach Mumm is an example. Today he is going to a strength training expo with past Olympic trainers to keep our program updated. This novel idea of pushing past what is expected is the spirit that embodies Mumm.

    1. Mumm doesn't have to go out to all of the places he goes to find the newest workouts. But, he wants the students to be learning these new things. He definitely brings something new to the classroom all of the time.

    2. Coach Mumm's novelty doesn't just stop in the weight room. He thinks of things in a different way than anybody else. I don't know of anybody else who takes the time to send out motivational emails to staff and students everyday like he does.

  9. 1. When people are learning something new, they want it to be engaging and not boring. If you want your lesson to meaningful and memorable to someone, then a traditional lecture is most likely not what you want to do. By coming up with an original and engaging way to bring new information to them, they will be more inclined to learn whatever it is.

    2. In today's world our brains have been programmed to want to be entertained. Most peoples' minds will wonder if they have to sit through a boring presentation. It will seem like such a waste of time and energy that some may actually fall asleep. One very novel presentation that I will never forget is a Keynote that Iseah Berkel did on opera singing in Europe. Not only did his presentation last 45 minutes filled with emotion and passion, he actually sang a piece that he was talking about.

    3. It can be the same topic that hundreds of people have talked about, yet you can make an original presentation of it. One of the best ways to do this is relate it to personal experiences and tell stories. This will give a total different view of the topic, and people will think about the topic in a totally different way than they ever had before. This could be as riveting to them as learning something they never knew before.

    4. A purple cow simply means something that stands out from the norm. When you look out into a field there are many brown cows, and you probably would take a second look. However, if there were a purple cow out in the field, then that may catch your attention. Being a purple cow means being so good or so original that you stand out from the crowd. People will notice you as "not normal".

    5. For my TED talk I may talk about why crotch rockets have gotten such a bad rep. I will debunk the myth that they are "so dangerous" compared to a cruiser. It's not the motorcycle that is dangerous, it's the people who ride them and their choices that make dangerous situations.

    1. I think that your topic choice is the perfect one for you! I think you are already passionate about it and know a lot of information. It will be easy for you to talk about it for 18 minutes. I also think the class will be interested in the information.

    2. I agree with what Cassidy said. I'm excited to hear any stories that you will tell, if you do this topic!

    3. I would love to hear some stories about you and your crotch rocket as well!

  10. Our brain enjoys entertainment and thrives off of the "love of learning". In Seth Godin's new book, What to Do When It's Your Turn [and it's always your turn] he examines the fascination with waiting to be the next in line or simply put a cog ready to take the next office job. However, the novelty lies where most overlook. The gritty path filled with the ability to overcome fear and stupidity in one fell swoop and on to the path of change. When we stop choosing the difficult, I should say, challenging path: we stop growing and our brain doesn't push. We don't excel past boundaries until we decide it is alright to take the lead. For example, in class discussions I like to bring my previous information from past experiences into the equation when tackling a new concept such as this TED talk. AP Environmental science was the first class I read the book cover to cover as well as being eager to get outside and take data.
    Talking to Mr. H the other day, a thought dawned on me, most of all of the teachers I have had gave their attention towards the novelty in the classroom. That classroom culture develops bright leaders.

  11. There is always a way to teach something in a new and interesting way, but it can be difficult. Gallo gives us a few suggestions in his first three chapters. We can deliver the information with passion behind it. If your audience can tell you are passionate about it, they will find it easier to listen to. Second, tell stories. For me, that is the key to teaching me something. After I have heard a well told and interesting story, I am willing to listen to the more "boring" information. Third, be comfortable with the way you present it. If a teacher is teaching the information in a new way but aren't sure if it'll be engaging, don't let your students know you are having doubts. Having good body language can convince your audience that the information is worth listening to.

    1. I agree there is always new ways to teach something and keep it interesting. I become more engaged if I hear stories other than just stats. I think I can relate to stories more and thats why I become engaged.

    2. I agree that teaching something new can be difficult. If you don't know how well it'll play over with your crowd, you may not be as confident going into your speech.

  12. The point of a purple cow is to stand out. Godin says that if a person is driving down the high way and sees a cow they will keep going because they've already seen cows before. Imagine that that cow was purple. People would notice it more. He says that we need to be remarkable in order for people to notice us. If we're are all regular cows, we will all end up as failures.

    1. I like your take on a purple cow. I love cows and I think I would love a purple cow even more.

  13. One topic I might want to do my TED talk on is obesity. It's a pretty typical topic that many people already know a lot about so I'm brainstorming on ways to make it more interesting and new.

    1. This is something you would do Meleah. Since your very fit and all you could possibly show people how to stay fit and lean. Possibly show us something too!

    2. You could talk about a personal experience with maybe a relative or someone else who was obese and how that affected you.

    3. I love this topic it to me is a very important to us when we get older. I always look around in public places and people watch, I notice how big people are getting. I can't wait to listen to your talk.

    4. This would be a great talk for you. I feel you are well informed on fitness and could really shed some light on the topic of obesity.

  14. 1. To learn something new, the lesson has to be engaging. The presenter needs to find something that will be unexpected, so it catches the audiences attention. People don't like the traditional lectures where a person talks with a monotone and reads words off of a slide. It's hard to learn this way. I always remember the lessons that keeps the audience engaged.

    1. I completely agree. There have been classes where the teacher gives boring lectures and when I go back to study my notes I don't even remember taking them. This is because I was probably falling asleep from boredom while taking the notes.

  15. The human brain loves novelty because it's something different. We get bored of things easily, so we always want something new and better. An example of this is cellphones. Before people were satisfied with having a regular flip phone where you could text and call people. But, eventually they got bored of it and wanted something new. Now cellphones have multiple things that you can do on them. Like, play games, use a GPS, take pictures, and browse the internet.

    1. Comparing a cellphone to novelty is a great idea. They have advanced so much and there seems to be always something new. And when buyers seem to start losing interest, they make a new cell phone with even more features!

    2. I agree with this. People upgrade phones a lot because the new phones they come out with have better technology. They just keep making phones better which makes us buy them.

  16. 3. Many presentations can be boring because it is hard to find new ways to present the information. I think one of the best ways to present something is to connect to it. I like to listen to presentations when people tell stories from their experiences. Another way to make a presentation exciting is to make sure you are passionate about your topic. The audience can tell when you don't like the topic you are talking about.

  17. 4. The purple cow is something that stands out. We have to find a way to stick out to the audience and leave a mark on them. If you don't find a way they won't remember who you are.

  18. 1. People like being taught in new and different ways. It's always good to change it up in the classroom. In the past, I have had teachers that have the same lesson plan every single day. I like going to class and not knowing what to expect of that day. It makes it more interesting and helps to stop boredom.

    1. I also like going to class and not knowing what to expect. That's what I love so much about Reynold's class. Everyday is something new and you never know what topics will be brought up. It makes coming to class even more exciting!

  19. 2. I think the human brain likes novelty because we get sick of the same old stuff. We need to find and do new things to be satisfied. An example of this would be cars. Cars have improved so much over the last decade or so. They have made them safer with airbags and lights that show when another car is in your blind spot. They also now have hands free which makes driving much faster and reduces the chance of distracted driving.

  20. 3. By telling stories and letting the audience know you are passionate about your topic. Learning knew things and being exposed to a different world makes learning much more interesting. That's why some of the famous TV shows are o popular. People are able to "live" a different life and that is interesting and new.

    1. This is exactly why I read/watch Nicholas Sparks books/movies. There's always some way I can put myself into it. I can imagine all of the good things happening in my life, and there is always a happy ending!

    2. Excellent point. I may have a new appreciation for Nicholas Sparks' books now!

  21. The point of the purple cow is to leave an impact on your audience. You want the audience to leave and you want them to remember your presentation, leave an impression and make it new and exciting.

  22. 5. Right now I am thinking about doing my TED talk on the disease Alzheimer's. I can personally connect to it and have tons of stories and experiences that I can share and teach the class.

    1. This would be a great topic. Share personal experiences and everything with it!

    2. Can't wait to listen to this. Very personal to you and your family. You're going to do great!

    3. Your speech will be great. Making it personal will help the audience connect to it as well and if you show your passion for it the audience will love it.

  23. 1. Novelty is something that our audiences want to hear. They want to hear about things that they have never heard of. They want to be taught about unusual things. This way their imagination will ignite. This causes them to become curious and want to hear more. They will get easily bored with familiar/common information.

    2. The brain loves novelty because it's new. We are thirsty for new/different information. When the brain senses something new dopamine is released and attaches to that information and sucks it all in.
    I think in almost all of my classes, novelty isn't present. I'm learning new things, but the information isn't interesting to me. The dopamine isn't released and I don't keep the information in my brain for long. But, when Reynolds gets to telling one of his crazy stories, what he says is interesting my brain wants to hear more.

    3. First you need to be interested in what you are giving the presentation on. You need to be passionate and actually out effort into learning the information. Then you have to deliver that information in a way that is intriguing to your audience. You don't want them to get bored. Show pictures and videos. Walk around and involve the audience and make conversation. Make them want to hear more!

    4. The point of the "purple cow" is to show you what it's like to be noticed. When we see cows, especially in Minnesota, we don't think one thing about it. It's totally normal like most of our lectures that we get in school. But, then we get a "purple cow." A teacher that gets noticed. They know how to intrigue their audience and make them appreciate it. They are remarkable and the students will remember them. They stand out!

    5. I want to give a presentation about being the older sibling (seven years older). I will have plenty of stories to tell and pictures to show. I want to try to put the audience in my shoes and actually have them experience it. I think this is broad, but it's a start.

    1. That is a good topic. I would be able to relate because I have younger siblings as well.

    2. I think you'll do really well with this topic. Since you and Brayden are so close, I know you'll have some great stories that will for sure help you with keeping your audience engaged.

    3. As the youngest sibling, I am curious to see what it is like from the oldest siblings point of view. I like this topic.

    4. You will be able to do a really good presentation on your topic. I'm sure there will be funny stories that engage the audience.

  24. 1. Novelty is something new the audience wants to hear. They want to be engaged in something they have never heard before. People loving hearing new things because they are learning and people become more interested if they are learning something new. People don't like to hear the same old information over and over again. They want to be engaged.

    2. I think the human brain loves novelty because we get sick of the same information. We like new ideas and information in our life to keep us entertained. One example of this is the Iphone. Apple keeps making new and better Iphones with better technology and features. We don't have to buy the new Iphones, but it's new and has new information so we become interested and want to buy it.

    3. You first need to be passionate and interested in what you are presenting. You don't want your audience to get bored and lose interest in you. Find a way to engage your audience in some way. Tell a story, have a conversation, or anything to get them involved and keep them interested in your topic.

    4. The point of the purple cow is to be different. To be a normal cow means to be the same. If we were driving by a of cow we wouldn't be interested. But if we drove by a purple cow we would stop and stare in awh. People want to be like a pruple cow, not a normal one.

    5. I think I would like to give a presentation on tearing an ACL. I would try put the audience in my place of being a senior and tearing your ACL before all your sports. I would also bring in some props as well. Just a thought

    1. I think you picked a really good topic. I'd love to hear your story and learn more about it. Being an athlete myself, I can't imagine what that would be like and how devastating it is!

  25. A possible topic I may do for my TED Talk is about the blood disorder I have called hereditary spherocytosis. I will talk about my experiences with it, like when I was first diagnosed.

    1. It would be cool to hear about this because I have never heard of it before. I like to hear about scientific disorders and how they originate as well.

  26. 1. The phrase "teach me something new" is basically the same as novelty. Novelty pretty much means "something new". They tie together because people want to be taught new things. Nobody likes being taught the same thing over and over again. People like new experiences. They are more engaged when you introduce them to something they've never known before.

    2. I think the human brain likes novelty because it's meant to keep learning. We like the idea of something new and unknown. For me, I like new technology. I like the idea of new and up to date. I've had almost every iPhone that has been made. Although they all do the same thing, each new one that comes out does it just a little bit better and each new phone has at least one new feature. Just that one new feature that I have to adjust to or learn how to use, is exciting to me.

    3. I think pretty much anyone can make an old topic, new and exciting by spicing it up a little. Adding in a personal story that the audience can relate to can make a huge difference. Also, you can make something already used seem new by adding excitement in your voice and having energetic body movement. People want something entertaining and relatable. Just because the topic is boring and dry, doesn't mean we have to be. In fact, it means the total opposite. We have to spice things up!

    4. The point of "purple cow" is to stand out. It's basically just being original and completely unique. It relates to this because we don't want our speeches to be boring and like normal lectures. We want them to be different and intriguing to listen to. People get bored of normal and they ignore similarity but they gravitate towards new and exciting and different.

    5. I'm thinking about doing my TED talk on how society has changed people's thinking on body image. I could go into detail about how it has changed over the years and how society is failing in their attempt to fix it. I could use stories and pictures to help bring my topic to life.

  27. 1.Teaching something new is just like novelty. Novelty is just like a new idea that someone hasn't thought of before. If you honestly think about it, when someone sees something the have never seen before they seem to like it better than something they have seen over and over again.

  28. 1. The idea of novelty is being original or new. I think our generation, especially, loves the idea of something new. My parents tend to hang on to things longer than my brothers and I do because they grew up in a different age. People made things last as long as possible back then. Now, when something breaks or doesn't work right, we just buy another one or a different one. Teach me something new relates to this idea of novelty because if somebody gives a novel speech, the audience will definitely learn something new from it. People always love to learn something new.

    1. I totally agree Isaac! Every time the new i-phone comes out everyone is in a hurry to get it and everyone is fascinated by it as well.

  29. 2. The human brain is just like a gathering center. It remembers everything that you have done since you were young enough to start remembering things. An example would be like me learning a new post move at basketball. My brain retains this and will remember to do that certain move in a game to score some points.

  30. 3. They first can start out with an interesting topic maybe someone has never done before. Then add your own personal reflection to the story and make it exciting. Like almost like a story that has to deal with your childhood. Also making jokes or having cool props can also win over your audience to by them remembering your topic as a great TED Talk.

  31. 2. New things are always exciting because the possibilities are unknown at the time. When trying to think of something in my life that relates to novelty, I think of my dad. He may be the most stubborn person I know. He is someone who has always disregarded the idea of getting a cell phone because he says, "I like to be off the grid." Now he is going to get a cell phone through the city because they offer phones to all city employees. He is accepting the idea that something new might make life better.

  32. A purple cow is like an outlier. Just think about it. If you saw a purple cow anywhere, you would be very astonished and tell everyone to look because you have never seen something like that before in your life. The point of a purple cow is to show your audience something very extravagant and for them to remember that, for they have never seen such a thing.

  33. 5. For my TED Talk, I was thinking about doing a speech on my brothers and how are relationship. They are very funny characters and also very mean at the same time. With that being said though, I do love them. I will tell stories about a thing called tractor wars and also show you sometimes where they back stabbed me.

  34. I think that if a speaker did all of the things that we have talked about in class the last few days that make speeches great, it would make the speech interesting and engage the audience. Use hand gestures and voice inflection to keep the audience's attention. Tell personal stories that the audience will relate to on a personal level. Try to teach them something new in an interesting and boring-free way. Adding a little humor is always a good way to keep the audience happy and engaged.

  35. 4. A purple cow is something that stands out from the normal crowd. If you were driving down a gravel road, and you looked out a pasture full of cows only to see one purple one in the mix, you would definitely say that the purple one stood out. You would remember that cow too because it was unique. Mr. Reynolds always gives us examples of moments from other speeches that he remembers because they were uniquely awesome. That is the goal for us as we are beginning to craft our speeches for next week.

  36. 5. I am thinking about talking about what it is like to grow up as the youngest brother. I could share some funny stories about what my life was like back then, but I could also share some heartfelt experiences that have helped me to grow up the way that I did. I think it will be fun to talk about Ben and Sam and share some memories.

  37. 1. The concept of teach me something new is very interesting to me and I can relate to it because I love learning new things. An audience can really connect to authentic things because we are learning something new. I know that I have to be taught in this kind of way otherwise I get bored. New teaching styles our new topics are most effective for me and my learning. When someone is novel they are telling you something that is more than likely personal to them or a new way to look at something. I find this very interesting.

  38. 2. Novelty in the classroom is an essential way of learning to me. I think that best example I can think of is CC1. When we were watching the office in class because you were showing examples of how to do something. It caught my attention because first of all I love the office and second of all it was something that no other teacher has done. I learned how to change my perspective on learning and how to go about it.

  39. 3. Anytime you're teaching something new and exciting to someone you should be just as excited as them. To get someone interested what you're trying to teach them is the hard part. You as the teacher already know about it but you have to try get the audience to be familiar. I think one way of doing this is by jokes and humor. Almost everyone loves laughing so a good way to get something across would be cracking jokes. I love to try to incorporate humor whenever I am up in front of my peers. It's a good way to connect with the audience.

  40. The point of a purple cow is to be different. We have all been through boring lectures where all the teacher does is just give you the info and you have to memorize it. When a teacher does something different to help you learn that is when I think they are successful at their job. When you go out of your way to teach students in new was you are being a purple cow.

  41. 5. Right now I am thinking about doing my ted talk on appreciating your grandparents. I think everyone would be able to connect with the topic and I could really make it my own.

    1. This would be a great topic for you! Everyone can relate to this so much and you could talk about how important it is to spend time with them and appreciate them while we have the time.

  42. Purple cow is one of my favorite Godin references. Regarding his unique take on leadership Godin states , "In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible." I try to take that to heart by not focusing on standing out per say, but always reaching to learn as much as I can about whatever is current.

  43. The concept "Teach me something new" relates to novelty because novelty is making something outstanding so that your audience remembers it and if you teach your audience something new in an interesting way they will never forget it.
    I think the human brain loves novelty because it is something new and interesting to each individual. Like when I went to a church service in New York and the pastor was preaching about sinning and how you should accept things before its too late, she got the whole crowd crying even myself! She just kept feeding off the crowd and going on..I will never forget that.
    To make the information new and exciting they have to speak about what they already know and are passionate about. If they do that then it is already easy for them to talk about the subject and so it will make it easier to apply the information in a new and exciting way. Because they are passionate about the topic the way they talk about the topic will be with a storytelling way
    The point of a purple cow is to take information that people are already familiar with and make them see it in a different perspective. Then people will be interested in the subject again because it is now flipped.
    A possible topic for me is to inform everyone that zoos, aquariums, and circus' are inhumane. I want to make people realize that these places lie in order to make money.

  44. 1. The concept "teach me something new" relates to the concept of "Novelty" by giving the audience something every brain craves, new information. We love hearing new or unfamiliar ideas or things that will let us see the world a little bit differently than we did before.

    2. The human brain loves novelty because it was made for storing knowledge and novelty gives us just that. New knowledge that we didn't have before that we can now use to spread ideas and let them grow. In choir I am always learning something new and getting new ideas and ways to look at the world. I strive to make things better and show a little more love. Choir has opened my eyes to things that are happening in the world and need to be changed.

    3. Put your own spin on things. Speak about something that you are already passionate about and throw some new ideas around in that area. If you show excitement and passion for your new idea, other people will too.

    4. The purpose of the purple cow is to bring new light on a subject that people already know about. Show them a new side of it so they want to learn more about it and see what else is out there.

    5. List a possible topic for your TED Talk (again, remember, I said "possible") and explore how you might strive to teach us something new about it.
    A possible topic for me could be polka. It's been around for so long and is usually for the older crowd but since it's been in my family so long and I've been around it my whole life I may be able to shed a little light on why we should try to keep the younger generations involved in it.
