Monday, April 15, 2024

Steve Jobs vs. Mike Rowe

 This will be an online discussion for two critical pieces. The first video is Steve Jobs' iconic Stanford Commencement Address, which is featured in Ch. 1-3 of So Good They Can't Ignore You. As you watch it, leave two takeaways from the talk concerning following your passion or doing what you love or what we have read about so far in So Good They Can't Ignore You.

The second piece to watch is Mike Rowe's iconic TED Talk. In it, Rowe takes the opposite point of view of Jobs. In fact, Rowe claims that following one's passion is terrible advice. As you watch this, again, leave two takeaways from the talk concerning following your passion or doing what you love or what we have read about so far in So Good They Can't Ignore You (Ch. 1-3).

Finally, leave responses to two different takeaways from your classmates. That means you will be leaving six total comments on this blog.

I have left a sample comment for each video as models for what yours should look like.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Video #1 - Average is officially over

 Video #1


Watch this video from Thomas Friedman. He explains why in our new hyperconnected world, average is officially over.

Then, leave one connection between this video and what Cal Newport has offered us so far in So Good They Can't be Ignored. Be sure to reference key lines from both the video and the book.

Finally, leave personal feedback to at least two of your classmates' responses.

I have left a comment as an example.

Video #2 Friedman's Advice for his daughters.

 Video #2

 After watching this video on the four pieces of advice Friedman offers his peers and you for how to excel in the hyper, connected world, leave one response below. In that response, connect one idea from the video to something we have read so far in So Good They Can't Ignore You. Be sure to reference key lines in your response.

Then, please leave feedback on the responses of two of your peers.


** As always I will leave an example of what a response should look like.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

CC 2 - Dicussion for "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior"

 After reading Amy Chua's iconic article, leave two comments - using at least one quote - on the article. Then leave two responses to the comments of your peers. I will leave two examples. Feel free to comment on mine if you wish.

I look forward to see what you think of the article.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

CC 2 - Discussion for "The Trouble with Genius, Part 2"

 Leave four takeaways of your own regarding what we have read so far in Outliers. These can be in one long commentary or they can be in four individual posts. 

Then comment on the takeaways of two of your classmates, please. When you do this, mention them by name and then also explain what you agree or disagree with, extend their thinking on a topic, offer your own example, or add some new information from Outliers or from another text.

I'll leave my feedback as an example.

PS - If you can't log in with your Google account, be sure to put your name next to your takeaways and comments so I can give points to the proper people. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Discussion of Rule #1 - "Don't Follow Your Passion"

To get full credit for this assignment, you must do the following:

1.  Leave four separate takeaways, responses, or connections to things you read from Rule #1.

2.  Then leave four responses to the takeaways, responses, or connections from your classmates.

I'll get the ball rolling with my four responses.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Caine's Arcade

Let's watch this as a class.

Then, leave these things in the comments/feedback section below

1.  Leave two take aways or reactions to the video.

2.  Leave two responses to the take aways or reactions to the video from your peers/classmates.

As always, I have left examples of what I am looking for.

**  Remember, too, to log in so your username appears (so I can give you credit).

**  Be careful too, for if your comments don't save, they will disappear forever.  Forever.  Feel free to type them up in Word or Drive first and then copy and past them into the comments/feedback section.