Student Work

Here is a great example of a MGRP via Blogger.  The only think I'd change is doing it in reverse chronological order.

Here is another example.

More pictures from 2014/15 MGRPs.

Here are the amazing responses to Mark Bauerlein's The Dumbest Generation.  You tell me, have these students proven his theories wrong?

Here is a link to several projects from three years ago (including blogs created to show how useful they can be for students and teachers.

This is Us ----

Here is a millennial rap


Generational Divide. Awesome job guys. Love the video. I'm embedding it below too.

Here is an excellent Prezi that does a great job illustrating the complexity and sophistication of the millennials, contrasted against other generations.

Here is a great blog, History Vs. Future, that surveys a member of the Baby Boomers, Gen X, and a Millenial generations. Plus, the designer attempted to use as many technological features as she could (video taping with her phone, uploading to youtube, poll everywhere, and so on). It is an amazing concept.

Here is a blog, Sociology, where the student wanted to use a blog and hyperlinks to make her college Sociology class more relevant and meaningful via technology.  Boy, did she succeed!  How great would it be for these millennials to go off to college and get workstudy positions for their professors, where they can take the stuffy content of their courses and make it more appealing to other students via digital media.

Here is another blog, Our Small, Flat World. This is a great blog that illustrates how easily it is to be connected and gather information in this flat world of ours.

Here are several prezis that my students developed to respond to Bauerlein. Thanks to Mr. Zutz for introducing them to Prezi.

How iTunes U can impact your education.

Here is another possible millennial project.  Show us what the world looks like through your eyes.

And here is the millennial song -

Finally,  here is a slideshow that I created for a summer technology class that I teach.  It's called "Engaging the Millennials: 20 apps/cites I can't teach without."

Look at it and see if one of the apps/sites might be the basis for your project.



Or you might choose to analyze how our current pop culture is not as shallow as Bauerlein think it is.

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