Thursday, March 9, 2017

Everything is a Remix assignment Part 2

Here are the remaining episodes of Everything is a Remix.  Watch each and then leave one comment per video.  Also be sure to leave one piece of feedback to the comment of a classmate.

Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Everything is a Remix Part 4 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.


  1. I like how even though artists do covers of other peoples songs, they still put their own spin on it. I think that has to do a lot with the book we are discussing now due to the fact that these artists are technically "stealing" from other artists. Some covers of songs happen to be more popular in the end too because the new artist thought of something that the original artist didn't think of accomplishing.

    1. I agree. I think that this has a lot to do with the book due to the fact that others steal ideas. Also, about how, original ideas cannot form without old ideas to base the new ideas off of.

  2. The whole idea of social evolution to me is pretty much the entire main idea in the book "Steal Like an Artist". Through out the book it talks about how you can take ideas from others and make it your own and so on. That's basically what the idea of social evolution is. It's to copy, transform, and combine like the video said. If we combine out thoughts and ideas together who knows what we could accomplish.

    1. Excellent point. You totally nailed it. We all build on the ideas of others. Kind of like cross pollination.

  3. I think he makes a good point when he talks about how we don't learn anything new without copying. Nobody starts out original. We can have original ideas but our ideas cannot form without something we have already learned. We learn through copying. Like the example of everything being a remix. It relates to the main concept of the book, "Steal Like an Artist". Copying is a way for us to reinvent ideas and make them our own.

    1. I can relate that back to yesterday when Reynolds was talking about the sticky notes. The guy who invented the good sticky notes wouldn't have had his breakthrough if it weren't for the struggle he had for the ones that weren't sticky enough.

  4. I like how he relates the idea of social evolution. He explains how things just keep copying and copying and copying. I think what he talks about in this video also relates to "Steal like an Artist". Just like in the book her talks about own you can take ideas from others and transform them to be your own. It relates to the idea of evolution: copy, transform, combine.

    1. I agree that everything is copied over and over again. I also like how they related things in the video to things in the book, because it helps us to relate to it better.

    2. I really like the idea of social evolution because it is pretty much what the book "Steal Like an Artist" is all about expect for it is just summed up into 3 words. I agree that you can take ideas from others and kind of make it your own.

    3. The relation to evolution was great. Human life is really just stealing the good genetics and improving. Social evolution is the same. Just improve on the last generation of ideas and we'll all come out better.

  5. Our modern society needs to have both an open source concept while also have some idea protection too. For example, if Goodyear is working on an improved rubber for their tires. They have a breakthrough and invent a tire that lasts longer than any other tire available. The greedy thing to do would be to copy right and protect that and horde it. But the open source attitude (which your generation is very open to, by the way) would be to share that knowledge with others who can make the world a better place with that knowledge. So in this example, Goodyear would share their research with Nike so Nike could improve their shoes. Both industries benefit.

  6. I think loss aversion is one of the greatest threats to innovation in our modern world. If you create great art, you should be open to have it being stolen and improved. That is one thing I love about teaching workshops or coaching clinics: everyone is open to sharing what works for them. If you go to a workshop or clinic, you know people are going to steal your ideas. That's what it is all about. My favorite example of this was in the 1990s when Nebraska was constantly getting killed by the Florida schools in football. Finally, Tom Osbourne took his staff to visit with Bobby Bowden at FSU. Bowden showed them his playbook and practice plans and his recruiting philosophy. Osbourne went back and totally overhauled Nebraska's football program. Guess who faced off in the national championship that year? FSU and Nebraska. (FSU won by a last second field goal . . . but by sharing and stealing from each other, they both made each other better).

  7. I actually like when technology copies other technology. Through the use of copying, great ideas can be made better. There were smartphones before the iPhone, but the iPhone started a smartphone craze and after 10 years since its release, there is a wide selection of smartphones to choose from today. If inventors did not copy, then technological advances would be much slower.

    1. I agree when you say you like how technology copies other technology. We would not have the technology we have know if it wasn't for others copying ideas.

  8. The main idea of Part 3 is about topping each other. Some one could have a great idea but then someone else comes along and takes it one step further. So with the computers that is what happened. Another thing is prices they people down the line were able to make it way cheaper so theirs was bought more. The thing that sucks is the people who actually come up with the idea aren't the famous people. Its the people who take it one step further to make it better who are famous.

  9. Video three talks about the evolution of the computers and how they were copied over time. Everything present is a big remix of past things. The computers we work with everyday are a remix of the Alto (Xenox computer). Songs are constantly remixed and changed or copied from past songs. The only thing that makes these currently products better is that they have better updates or better lyrics to go along with the rest of the songs.

  10. I like how he says that break throughs happen when you link other ideas together in the part three video. Like his computer example, people take ideas of others and change something on it, usually making it better. I think that stealing ideas is not a bad thing to do because usually the outcome is better and that new item is more popular and better to use than the old version. It takes old ideas to make new and better ideas.

    1. Chaining ideas and crossing fields of thought is how some of the greatest ideas of our time have been created. When innovative people can combine multiple subjects, steal from successful projects, and improve prior ideas, something amazing has been made.

  11. The fourth video is about all that we are trying to understand from the book "Steal Like an Artist." In order to move up in the world and evolve we must copy, combine and transform everything that we come across. Everything and anything can be changed so it is our job to find out the right way to do it. Do we copy it with a twist, combine it with something else, or transform it into something different?

    1. I agree with when you say we need to do it with a twist. I think that is key if you want to use someone else's ideas you still need to put some of your own thoughts and efforts into it. Not use everything exactly how they have it.

    2. I agree with when you say we need to do it with a twist. I think that is key if you want to use someone else's ideas you still need to put some of your own thoughts and efforts into it. Not use everything exactly how they have it.

  12. I keep relating this back to my chapter in "Steal Like An Artist" called "Write The Book You Want To Read." It talks about how to be creative. You have to basically do what you like. But, like the video, you have to copy something first. Kind of like putting your own spin on something. That's how technology keeps evolving. People take what is already created, copy it, but then put your own spin on it (what you like or want). Not only did you just become creative but you might have just created something that everyone else could love making you and your product successful.

  13. These videos really opened up my eyes. It's crazy to see how many similarities there are between these movies. Without being shown these simalaritites you would think that all these movies are original when in reality they are not.

  14. On the video we watched in class I found it really interesting how apple goes way back. Honestly I didn't know that apple mad really old computers like that. Everything in the past is copied over time. We make better versions of things as time goes on. So i don't think its bad to copy if the new is more improved.

  15. Video three explains the importance of copying something to make yourself better. Artists copy the works of other artists so they can master certain techniques to use in their own creations. By copying others, you gain skills that can carry over into your own work. In order to create something new, you have to practice and master a certain skill set.

    1. By comping molding the work into your own, you are leaving a unique fingerprint on it. By mastering your own techniques, and the techniques of others you are forming yourself into a linchpin.

  16. The fourth video brings me back to the book that we are going to read and the chapter "Steal like an artist." We need to steal other things so that we can make new transformed things. Everything you get is never going to be new for long because everything is always evolving into something better.

    1. I agree when you say everything you get is never going to be new for long. I think of technology, someone might get the newest and best smart phone one day but in like a couple weeks a new one will come out and that one will be better.

    2. I agree when you say everything you get is never going to be new for long. I think of technology, someone might get the newest and best smart phone one day but in like a couple weeks a new one will come out and that one will be better.

  17. This video is all about copy, combine, and transform. Sort of like the other video it was talking about taking parts of peoples ideas tweaking it a little bit and making it better. Then the patent came out so people started to have to pay to use others ideas. This is another way that people tried to get the credit they deserved for creating something new. Overall I don't think that copying is a terrible thing but credit needs to go to the people who really deserve it.

    1. I agree that copying isn't that bad, but credit should be given.

  18. You think the i phone is first of its kind which in a way it is. But it also takes things that were already existing and put it all into one device; music, camera, phone, games, video, and so on. It's kind of like the combining ideas like the video said.

    1. Great point love how apple creates there own little twists to things others have created. Making it better then the product before. It is fascinating.

  19. I agree with his statement on how most of us are okay with copying, as long as we're the ones doing it. People are fine with copying from others if it helps them succeed in their ideas and such, but if someone else were to copy them it's like the beginning of a war. Thats what social evolution is, constant copying and copying and copying with a little change to make it our own, which is what "Steal like an Artist" is about.

  20. I never thought about his idea when he says we copy, transfer, and combine in the part four video. I agree when he said that we don't care as much when we copy other's ideas but when other's take their ideas they get mad. Sometimes people take other people's ideas without even noticing. When people take other's ideas I don't think it is that bad because they don't copy it entirely, they still find a way to make it their own.

  21. "When we copy, we justify it. When others copy, we vilify it." "Most of us have no problem with copying, as long as we're the ones that are doing it." These two quotes stuck out to me because they are so true. Humans are naturally greedy and want to by credited for work they did or did not do. If people copy and then create something better than the original, people are credited for it. BUT, when the person who originally created the product sees that, they get mad. If we really think about it, everyone has copied. So we really don't have anyone to blame. That's is how stuff is created.

    1. I thought the same things about these quotes. No one likes to be copied off of so they make it a big deal, but if they get the chance to copy to better their own success they won't think twice

  22. On the video we watched in class talks about how most ideas and inventions are based off of things that have already been created. It's a bunch of little ideas combined into one. It's how artists succeed or make themselves better. Sometimes people work together with ideas, and sometimes they just copy from someone else to make it better.

    1. Yes, the nice thing about copying is that it makes things better for us all. Unlike with art and music, there is hardly any emotional ties with technology. We want the next best smartphone but we do not care if it is stolen or not.

  23. The problems brought up with "intellectual property" do not have an easy solution. The story of how Disney destroyed the public domain goes back over a century and is very interesting. It used to be that someone's idea was theirs for about 50 years or so, but Disney wanted to hold on to their 'creations' so they lobbied congress to extend copyright and now tons of works have not entered the public domain in years. I personally believe that someone should have rights to their ideas until they die. How stupid is it that music composed in 20th century is still copyrighted even though the composer is died 50 years ago? Why should the deceased people still have rights to their works?

    1. I agree that the patent/copyright should only extend until the person dies. They can't take the profits or rights to the grave. At this point, people should be free to take the idea and improve upon it. By letting them keep the copyrights, their families profit when they weren't even the ones to come up with the idea. After the person dies, anyone should be able to use their idea.

  24. On the video we watched in class I had no idea that Apple stole ideas from Xerox. Apple took many of their ideas and put their own mix on things and I thought that was pretty cool. Just think if Xerox was never a computer company. . . would Apple be as big as it is today? I think it is cool how you can take many small and/or different ideas and put them together and make one remix out of it.

  25. I never noticed how apple basically just uses others ideas. What there goof at is making it a touch of there own. They add there own little unique things that aren't seen on other devices. It engages us as buyers to say "Hey that could be the next big thing." Often it's stollen but recreated better and slightly different. I don't think what they do is bad especially with early computers. There was no other way to go about creating them supplies and materials were limited computers were new then and still being introduced. Apple did a great job using the tool bar up top, it is still on all apples and people are familiar with it.

  26. This video stresses just how important it is to copy each others ideas. "Stealing" ideas from one person and combining it with ideas from another person is how ideas are born. Like Reynolds talked about in class on Thursday, 3M didn't start out knowing that they would make millions of dollars making sticky notes, it was by chance that 2 not so great projects got put together and transformed into something that worked. This is an example of how we make ideas that don't work on there own into something that does.

    1. I agree that stealing and remixing ideas are important. If we didn't copy, many great ideas would have never become a reality. For example, Apple stole many ideas to create their technology. If they didn't steal, it is possible that we wouldn't have the technology that we do today.

  27. The part about copyright/patent trolls is really interesting because they make a ton of money from suing people who steal ideas with little evidence that the idea was actually stolen. It is almost impossible not to take an idea from somebody– we all do it subconsciously. I think people should be able to build off of other people's ideas because it only makes the product better. What somebody started came be made better by another person's ideas and perspectives. When people come together and collaborate, the best products are created. I get why there are patents to protect the original idea– people should get credit for coming up with new technology, but other people should also be able to take that technology and build upon it to improve it.

  28. Video 3 makes me really think about copying. How much of the world works today is first we think of someone else idea that had the world of potential. Somewhere along the road we all fall short on our creations. Then someone else takes that adds there out twists to make it theres. It really genius. If we constantly are improving each others work we will never settle for an average piece of work. The future is bright for us because if we keep using each others idea our world will never be stagnant always evolving.

  29. I like hearing the 3rd video. It was reassuring to know that even the biggest names in history had plenty of failures. Like Edison failing 2,000 times before getting the light bulb. And that Xerox ran the world before Macintosh got into the game. It makes me feel more confident about the fact that I can propose ideas and not feel embarrassed or complete rejection towards it.

    1. Very true love how failure leads us one step closer to creation and we don't have to feel embarrassed if we fail. In fact when we succeed we will be laughing at our failures.

  30. I love how in part 4 they talk about how Steve Jobs wasn't shameless about stealing ideas from people, But yet he wanted to destroy android because they were a stolen product. Everyone is okay with copying if you are the one doing it.

    1. I also thought that it was interesting that Steve Jobs openly says that he stole some of his ideas from others, but did not want anyone using his ideas. I think that it kind of has to be a two way street.

  31. In part three I like how he refers to as creativity is just applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials. We think of creativity as being something hard to accomplish or making something totally original, but it really is just putting your own idea into something that was already there. He also mentions copying is how we learn. Copying is a natural instinct in a way. Kids learn by mimicking others. If we don't know how to do something we looked to others to see how they accomplished it. With copying we are able to make existing ideas better.

  32. Intellectual property video - I feel like people/companies today are so caught up on the money aspect rather than the common good like the video says. When corporations put copyright their work it limits the creativeness of other people.

    1. I agree with how it limits the creativeness of other people. They can create ideas from other peoples ideas.

  33. Social evolution is the copying, transformation, and combination of ideas, skills and behaviors. This has made ideas continually better, but it has also created greed and lawsuits. I agree that we focus more on our losses then our gains. It is alright for us to copy, but when others copy us it is no longer justifiable. We have become so scared that our idea will be stold that we created patents and copyrights. This has stopped some good ideas from becoming great ideas with the help of someone else.

  34. I understand why some inventors wouldn't want others taking their ideas. But it is much easier to base our ideas off of the ideas of others than dealing with others stealing ours. We think this way because if we take an idea, we are not really losing anything (that we believe is ours) so we don't really think about how it is affecting others. It all kind of boils down to the fact that we all do better when we exchange ideas freely with others.

  35. Its typical to hear about people suing each other now a days. It was cool to hear about the works of different people being freely available and could be improved on continually. Its completely different and flipped then what happens today. The market economy has screwed everything over.

  36. Companies stealing ideas seems to be a beneficial part of our economy overall. It creates competition and provides more options for the consumer. The advances given by the companies copying each other helps everybody. It may seem like a sleazy move, but when you add in this risk, companies with good ideas will be encouraged to stay ahead.

  37. Stealing in terms of technology is good as well. Nowadays, tech is usually improved by trying to make creations more efficient. People don't pay much attention to increased processor speeds or many other technical aspects. When a company finally comes out with something unique, it spreads to other devices faster due to the urge to stay at a competing level. Technology grows due to stealing.

  38. Nobody starts original, you usually start off the foundations of others. By allowing remixes, there is an economy being produced. People try to "one up" another by taking the competitors work and transforming it into something that will be "better." We have had continuous growth (economically) but people and their ideas are hindered due to copyrights and lawsuits of making remixes.

  39. I despise the fact that the value of an idea is associated with dollar signs rather than opportunity. The copyright has killed creativity. Not only that, people get defensive when other's copy. We are a bunch of self-centered hypocrites in the world, we keep a blind eye for copying when it comes to us. We might keep stealing by an artist, but it isn't as easy as it was a few decades ago.
