Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Steal Like an Artist Activity #4

First, simply watch this final video in the Everything is a Remix series and leave a comment responding to these questions

1.  What do you think is the most important "new" invention of your lifetime so far?

2.  What is the danger of not being able to "steal" or "borrow" ideas?

Then leave two comments to responses by your classmates.



  1. I think one of the greatest innovations of my life time is the internet (sorry for being the first to steal this from you guys, but I'm interested to see what other innovations you think are vital). What aspects of our lives hasn't the internet impacted?

    Music? Totally changed it.
    Communication and connection? Totally.
    Education? Yep.
    Knowledge? Of course.

    I can't think of an aspect of our lives that the connectivity of the world wide web didn't totally transform - or at least enhance.

    1. The internet has changed our world, period. However, I don't think we should be giving the internet all of the great accreditation it is getting. It has connected many and has allowed others to share their ideas and what not. But, in the process of doing this, it has cut out many people. I remember in middle school if you couldn't text people or if you weren't on Twitter you were somewhat of an outcast. Can you imagine now if you didn't have a smartphone or a phone at all.

  2. The danger of not being able to borrow ideas is now rearing its ugly head in the pharmaceutical industry. There are so many patents limiting research that it may just have a big impact on our long term health. I'm interested to see how the trillion dollar industry will work around this.

    1. The pharmaceutical industry has suffered a lot because of patents. Not only are prescription costs higher, but no one can improve a drug or vaccine or alter it when a mutation in the bacteria occurs. The costs are higher because people have to pay to make the prescription. Just think of Dr. Salk. He came up with the polio vaccine. He did not patent it because he wanted it to be affordable. The vaccine is so much cheaper to produce because he decided not to put a patent on it. With patents, you can recreate the drug if you spend enough money, but you can't alter it. That would be considered copying. This means that if bacteria mutates, there would be nothing to prevent it from spreading. I believe that patents on medicine is something that shouldn't even exist. It raises costs a lot and prevents innovation.

  3. I believe that one of the most important modern inventions that has really come to light in the last decade is the creation of bionic limbs. Today they are no where near perfect, however, the progress shows promise. These limbs are able to give someone a part of their life back or give someone a part of life that they have never experienced. Either way, it's groundbreaking and pretty important.

    I think, not being able to 'steal' ideas is dangerous. Like I said in my comment on the last video, science is pretty much based upon what the previous guy did. So just thinking about what all of these broad worded restrictions could do to something to the sciences is kind of scary.

    1. I agree with you that the prohibition of stealing ideas is dangerous, especially in science. If you are not able to steal from the last guy, you are not able to make any advances. Science develops from what has already been done, so if you can't steal and improve, then science would stop developing.

    2. I like your comments on bionic limbs and their potential. So far I have seen multiple demonstrations of new robotic limbs that have extraordinary abilities. I've seen ones that have the ability to work with non-bionic limbs to lift weights for exercise. Ive seen ones that allow the user to actually feel what is in their hand again. Ive even seen ones specially designed for military combat. And now, thanks to 3D printing, incredibly cheap versions of these limbs are being made for people all over the place.

    3. Bionic limbs are super neat! I can see why you are saying they are super important because it is amazing seeing people being able to do things again! That was a great choice of invention.

  4. I think one of the greatest inventions in todays world has got to be medicine, and medical facilities. Medicine has came so far since say 1800's where if someone got a broken arm, they could very well easily die from it. For instance, if someone had to have an appendage amputated, their life was probably over. Compared to now, how even double amputees are making huge strides and starting to even make prosthetics that have fingers that are functioning. That is a huge advancement from what the alternative was before.

    I think that if we didn't know how to steal ideas, everything would be drastically different. Think about music (like what Reynolds said) and how it would be so much different if we didn't know how to/couldn't "steal" things that others have done before us.

    1. I think medicine is a great example of a "new" invention that's influenced our lives. It's constantly evolving into more advanced adaptations that change the lives of so many people.

    2. Without medicine, our world will be so much different. So many more lives would have been lost without our ever evolving advances in medicine.

  5. This most definitely is not the MOST important invention. Nope. This just happens to be the first thing I could think of. It won't even sound like a totally important invention, but I find that trash cans with heavy lids are very important to me. I have a little dog that loves to dig in the trash, but these trash cans (the one I have has a pedal to lift up the top) prevent him from getting into the waste. We earlier had gone through a few other trashcans, but my dog had been able to get into all of them. Also important to mention, our dog is an indoor dog so we needed a good indoor trashcan.

    I like the thoughts of no one being able to steal ideas in certain ways. Imagine how original everything would have to be. Imagine all the things that would never have been made. If you had an idea, no one else could take it, but you wouldn't be able to quite share it either. Then there is the fact that no one could make advancements. No one would be able to practice or get better. The world would be full of too many or too little ideas if no one could steal. By stealing, everybody appears that they have their own ideas, but really there are only be a few strands of ideas. Hopefully this makes sense.

    1. I really like how you took such a simple appliance and gave it so much meaning, very creative. Although I personally haven't experienced the importance of trash cans with lids, I can understand your situation. There has been a few times where my dogs have gotten into the trash and I have had to pick up the remnants of their childish curiosity.

    2. I love how you took something many would not find useful or creative, and showed how great it can be in different situations!

    3. I can definitely relate to the importance of the simple creativity of heavy trash can lids. My dogs REALLY like trash. Also, you make a good point out of not being able to steal ideas in a certain way. You can take any part of any idea and use it as an influence for your own creation. You can pick whichever part of that original idea that relates to you the most. No one can tell you what to steal, because each person might take something different out of the original ideas.

    4. I like how everyone seems to be looking at all the "big picture" style technologies, and then you turned more towards everyday tech. It's simple enough to be overlooked, but trash cans are actually one of the most useful appliances around today.

  6. I believe the best thing invented in our life so far is YouTube. YouTube was invented in 2005. With YouTube, you can learn just about anything, get entertainment, and watch just about anything. Over 1 billion users visit YouTube each month. I use YouTube to watch people game. It not only provides entertainment for me, but it reduces my stress levels. I watch YouTube almost every day (if I have time) for this purpose. It reduces my stress levels and boosts my mood with a simple 10 minute video of a person playing a video game and talking into a microphone. YouTube has become a great tool in my life to keep me sane!

    The danger of not being able to steal ideas is that innovation will take so much longer. If you are the only one who can create something with an idea, you may take a lot longer than someone else or a team. Also, if you are not able to steal an idea that is very vague, no one can make anything that includes that idea. Innovation is slowed and possibly stopped. You also would have to pay more if no one could copy others. Like it stated in the video, the original has to include cost of development, while copiers don't. Therefore, people would have to pay more for inventions.

    1. Dakota, I agree with you thought that innovation will take so much longer if no one is able to steal ideas. I feel that improvements will be somewhat limited if people are not able to steal another person's idea. The thing that comes to my mind is the everlasting cycle of new cars. If you look at all the different brands, they all seem to have little things that are similar to each other.

    2. Dakota I really like the YouTube example, but I have a question. Do you believe YouTube was the main force of innovation or was it because YouTube gamers were made famous because of it? If there was no YouTube, gamers would mostly likely post on Dailymotion or even Yogscast. Do you think YouTube just made searching videos easier>

  7. 1.What I think is one of the most important inventions of our life time is being able to use map apps on our phones to allow us to travel easier. Having the technology to follow the paths we take and guide us to the places we want to go is great. No more getting lost on a paper map. The GPSs' built into our phones tell us exactly where we are without any hassle. I believe it make traveling so much easier and it makes people want to travel more.
    2. I believe the danger of not being able to steal ideas is that new inventions will never improve or will improve at a tremendously slower rate. I think one of the reasons people copy ideas is to improve them. Without someone else's creative piece that they bring to the puzzle, ideas could stay the same for a very long time.

    1. I like your point about the maps on our phones being very helpful, because they are! I remember my parents used to stop by the side of the road and pull out a huge paper map that took up the whole dashboard every time we got lost. Fortunately, we don't have to do that anymore. Also, it's true that we steal ideas to improve them. Each invention can probably be improved in some way. If not now, further on in time. If we leave those inventions alone without new creative improvements, we wouldn't advance.

    2. I like your point about the maps on our phones being very helpful, because they are! I remember my parents used to stop by the side of the road and pull out a huge paper map that took up the whole dashboard every time we got lost. Fortunately, we don't have to do that anymore. Also, it's true that we steal ideas to improve them. Each invention can probably be improved in some way. If not now, further on in time. If we leave those inventions alone without new creative improvements, we wouldn't advance.

  8. I would say the most important invention of during my time on earth is the MRI scanner or CT scanner. Previously, doctors only could base a diagnosis solely on the reports from their patients. Doctors are now able to take the patient's observation with the addition of a detector to detect unnoticeable gross symptoms. This enables a more accurate diagnostic process, with the exception of long-lasting radiation.

    I believe that it is almost impossible to not steal an idea sometime during you life. Also, It is really hard to produce anything original because many things in this world are already made or have been copied. We have seen this in this video and all the other previous videos. There are just not many ways that we can work around the system for not stealing, borrowing, or copying that someone or something has currently done. I feel, as humans, we would be traveling in a continuous loop, making no progress unless there was a previous example we could use.

    1. Richard, I agree with you on the thought of humans traveling in a continuous loop. I feel like people would be trying so hard not to copy other peoples' ideas that nothing would ever get created. The limitations of not stealing another person's ideas are endless. I don't think it is possible to not steal another person's ideas because naturally, an idea that is creative will stick in our memories, and will probably influence our own creative ideas in the future.

    2. Richard,
      I am very glad someone brought up advances in modern medicine as a great invention of our time. It is astonishing how many lives have been saved due to different advances, how many diseases have been terminated. I love it!

  9. 1. I believe the most important inventions of our time are websites or applications that allow streaming of music / books / movies / etc. I believe this because if I personally couldn't have access to music 24/7, I would probably have a nervous breakdown. It calms me down to be able to listen to music, and having it readily available makes it even better.

    2. I believe the danger of not being able to steal or remix ideas is very scary. If we as a people could not, about 99% of goods and services would not be in existence. Everything is based off of something else.

    1. I'm not sure how to feel about the topic of streaming media. While it is creating a new, more convenient way of accessing things such as movies and music, it is also killing the whole separate industry of physical copies. I think that if people become completely dependent on digital media, then physical DVD's/CD's are going to disappear. I can't decide if that's a good thing or not.

  10. Ok, I totally agree on online music services. Music is one of the biggest influential factors for you and me both. Having the ability to listen to any music we wants lets us escape reality for a while. I would also have breakdowns without music. It is just something about music that just impacts a person, and that is why online music streaming is a wonderful innovation.

  11. Recently I've realized how creative it was to put cameras on phones, and I think that this invention could be one of the important ones in my lifetime thus far. Cameras on a phone were first seen as unnecessary, mostly because the phone cameras we used to have were extremely blurry and pure crap. But now, the cameras are high quality, and very convenient for when you want to take a picture quickly. In fact, I've heard of some weddings being recorded by phones. (Personally, I wouldn't want to do this, and I don't recommend it to anyone.)
    Much like Cole's response, I have to agree that if we don't "steal" off of other people's work, we won't be able to improve and advance previous creations. Some of the greatest things that have been recently invented combine two different already created inventions into one. For example, a phone and a camera. Or, a spoon and a fork. They're creative, innovative inventions that just happen to reflect off of two already invented things. Stolen or not, they're original.

    1. I agree that we can't improve or advance without first taking from someone else's knowledge. It's not that the task is too difficult, it's just close to impossible now after so many years of innovation. At the same time though, it makes you wonder. If you think back to colonial times and about all the things that we didn't have and how much has changed, it makes you wonder what we're doing now. Why aren't we doing more to change the world we live in. Even though I think copying is crucial, I also think it's somewhat lazy on our part.

    2. I think it was originally a brilliant idea that there should be cameras on phone, and now it is a tool used in competition. I think it is crazy that there are some inventions like the spork that seem so simple. It almost makes you wonder why no one had done it before.

    3. I like your take on the camera on phones, I never would have thought of that. It is such a simple yet ground-breaking addition to the phone. Without the camera on our phones, we wouldn't be able to quickly snap those life moments that so many of us do. Almost all of the pictures in my that I cherish, were taken off of the camera on my phone. I love how they are constantly progressing the camera as well to make it better. The camera on my first phone was horrible, now with the iPhone 6s out, the camera resolution is incredible. What a great invention!

    4. I agree with your statement on cameras in phones it is so neat! Now there is really no need to lug around your phone and a camera because it is all in one which is really convenient especially for busy parents that might not have the time to get new batteries, charge the camera, or by new memory cards!

  12. To me, the greatest "new" invention would have to be Google, or other search engines. These refined mediums for navigating the world wide web have changed the way that everyday people us the Internet. Using Google is fun. Seeing what other people have looked up as you begin typing something in can be entertaining, shocking, or helpful. Google is not only engaging as a tool, it's also full of opportunities for communication and connection. Without search engines like Google, I don't think people would be as happy with or addicted to the Internet.
    As for stealing other people's ideas, I think that it shouldn't be such a problem. I don't think that people should be so territorial about their work. In fairness, I understand the loss and the grief that an artist endures when their work is stolen, but to have someone copy my work is a compliment, not a slight. The danger in not being able to copy is not being able to feel confident in the foundation of your work. In most cases, there's a vague idea that initiates the creativity and transformation that makes something original. But getting to that point of refinement and personal development can feel impossible without the help or support of other information or experience. I've always found it much more beneficial when I was able to understand my own root needs and establish them before I started growing in a specific area of learning.

    1. Naomi, I agree with your thoughts on Google. Although some people (weird people) use other search engines, such as Yahoo, most people gravitate towards google. I believe that people gravitate towards google because of it's unique, simple, and innovative features. My grandmother (who doesn't even know how to turn on a computer) can use google! Google is incredibly easy to use, a trait that makes it so appealing to so many people.

  13. 1. I think the backlight in screens is possibly the most important invention of my lifetime. Before it, things like computers could only be used in bright areas. One popular device that developed a backlight was the different Gameboy models. The original Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and the Gameboy Advanced were all models that we probably remember that didn't have a backlight. I remember plenty of nights where I had to play Pokemon Yellow with an magnifier attachment that had a built in light. The glare was always my enemy. But with the creation of the backlight, Gameboy Advanced sp owners no longer had to deal with complicated attachments for playing in the dark.

    2. I think not being able to "steal" ideas would lead us to be counter-progressive. Technology is mostly based off of previous ideas and technologies, so there wouldn't be much of that anymore. There wouldn't be much of anything, in fact, because babies/children wouldn't be able to "steal" enough from their parents, teachers, and peers to learn how to read, write, or even talk.

    1. I agree that backlight in screens is another great invention we have experienced in our lifetimes. I remember playing my gameboy without a backlit screen, and I always had to have a light to play at night. It was such a pain. Backlit screens make it 100x easier to read things on your screen.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I believe that the most important new invention of our time is the smartphone. They allow us to connect to every other person around the world who has a smartphone, and you have that ability all in the palm of your hand. That is such a groundbreaking invention. Just think of how different our world would be if we didn't have smartphones. We would be no where near as connected and up to date with things as we are. There could be a huge event taking place in China, and in 1 minute you could have a notification on your phone telling you exactly what is happening. An absolutely groundbreaking invention.

    The danger of not being able to steal or borrow other ideas is without that, such a huge amount of the things that have been invented today would not be around. We feed off of other peoples ideas, it's in our nature. We for the most part need that little kickstart that is another persons idea to spark something in our head.

    1. Kade, I completely agree with your thoughts on the smartphone. It's crazy to imagine a world without the connection that we have today. I have a set of grandparents that don't have a computer, internet, or a smartphone. Whenever I get to see them, I have to catch up on the things that I've missed over the past few months. Although smartphones aren't in as many hands as they should be, I'm very glad that we aren't still rocking flip phones.

  16. I believe that one of the greatest "new" inventions is Pinterest. Although Pinterest is technically anything but vital, it opens countless doors. If I'm ever in need of a new "creative" idea, I automatically make my way onto Pinterest. Pinterest is loaded with ideas, projects, and various other "creative" things that I couldn't even dream of creating. Pinterest also makes previously expensive things, into DIY projects for the "handy" user with an internet connection. In a world full of "remixes" and "mashups," a tool like Pinterest is vital to the creation of new and innovative ideas.

    Without being able to "steal" and/or "borrow" ideas, we put ourselves into a box that can't be thought outside of. I'm a strong believer that everything we do is stolen from another persons work. I would challenge anyone that disagrees to tell me about one of their own original ideas. Without stealing, we would never develop our own personal styles, without our own personal styles, we would never be different from the next guy. What's fun about being the same as everyone else?

    1. I like your ending question. It seems today that everyone wants to be 'different'. Without stealing idea's or inventions to make something new, we would all be the same. And to answer your question (which I'm sure you already know) it would be no fun and everyone would get sick of everyone else. We are born to be different than the person next to us, and without being able to take other people's idea's and create something with it, we can't be different. We'll all be the same.

    2. I agree that Pinterest, despite being less vital than other inventions, has stimulated much creative thinking throughout the population and could possibly be the cause of other great inventions.
      Pinterest is the definition of "Stealing Like an Artist." Millions of people use Pinterest for the sole purpose of taking someone else's idea and trying it out for themselves.

  17. I think one of the greatest inventions of time would be farming equipment. Now I don't know much about farming, but I know it is a very timely and difficult job. Before the modern day combine, harvester, and plow was invented, farming was done by a horse and some huge/heavy equipment behind them to plow the ground. To harvest it was by hand and took days depending on the size of your farm. Now with the help of a plow you can do it simply and a lot quicker inside of a machine. I believe that without the advancement of these machines the farm lands we see around here wouldn't be as big as they are now. To me this is a huge accomplishment as now we can get more crops in and out and feed more people then just the one family it used to feed.

    After reading everyone else's comments on how dangerous it would be if we couldn't steal idea's, they are all relatively the same. We need to steal idea's off of other people in order to make things ourselves. Literally everything that has been created today, was stolen off of someone else's idea, or a mashup of a few peoples ideas. Everything that ever has been made, or that ever will be made is going to need the influence of others. So not being able to take someone else's idea and put it together in something your making, would make it nearly impossible to create anything new. We would be stuck in the same life with no progress and nothing new. What's the fun of doing the same thing everyday and not learning about anything new?

  18. Being a swimmer, food is very, very important to me. My best friend, our family's fridge, is the first and last thing I see in my day. Without having a refrigerator, I couldn’t enjoy the leftovers from the night before or not have to worry about the expiration for the milk for my cereal. The refrigerator allowed more food combinations to be created and extend the expiration date on our everyday snacks and leftovers. My favorite day of the year is the day after Thanksgiving- being able to eat all of the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and cranberries while watching your favorite show- is priceless. Can anyone say hallelujah?!

    I think if we weren't able to steal or borrow ideas, it would leave a lot of gaps in our technology, literature, and entertainment. When you're influenced by another work, it tends to overlap with their ideas/points. If everything was different, the gaps or the missing information/products would be lost. We'd be without a majority of the works and technology that we have today.

    1. Claire I also agree with you I feel like my fridge is my soulmate.... Sometimes I get mad at it for not having food in it but we always can resolve over a glass of chocolate milk! Hallelujah Claire!

  19. I AM CARLY
    I believe that one of the most important new inventions or developing inventions of today is the vehicle that is not dependent on fuel. It is important because finding a replacement for fuel-dependent vehicles is inevitable.

    The danger of not being able to steal ideas from other people is that humanity won't be able to develop at the rate that it has been developing. Most of humanity's great triumphs have come from people taking other people's ideas and improving them, until they are developed enough to be accepted by society.

  20. I think the greatest invention in my life is the apple smart phone. I remember it coming out in 2007 and playing the new apps. With the new apple I Phone we have connections to the whole world in our pockets.

    The danger of not being able to steal or borrow ideas is simple. Picture what the world looks like right now, and then take away the ability to steal / borrow. Now picture the world 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now. It would be the exact same with no changes

  21. A lot of the best inventions have already been stated so mine may not be the most important to everyone else but it definitely has impacted my world of swimming. The tech suit, knee skin, and fast skin are all suits that are worn at large competitions that aid you along with taper and training to go a best time. These suits can be a matter of 1st or 2nd place when it all comes down to it. The fastskin is more hydrodynamic then skin (which is pretty hydrodynamic) the suits are made to help you stay in streamline longer and also activate your ab muscles while you swim because of the compression factor. Fastskins take an average of 20 minutes to put on which is a long time considering in my case I swim 4 races which totals up to be about 2 minutes in the water. Since the first fastskin or tech suit was created in 2000 there has been major reconstruction and reformation of the suit.

    The danger of not being able to steal or borrow ideas would be detrimental to society. I think that everyone and everything relies on borrowing and making a new of the old stuff. Nothing would be new everything would stay the same and we wouldn't have the things we have today!
